Hotel and Restaurant Association of Bhutan (HRAB) is a federation of HOTELS and Restaurants from all over the country. Members range from restaurants to small family-owned properties to major convention hotels. It is a non-profit, apolitical, mutual benefit organization formed in September 2007 by a group of enthusiastic hoteliers.
The way forward……………
To unite all hotels, restaurants and tourist accommodations in the country into one common body, and endeavor to promote tourism on a sustainable and long term perspectives
To represent the interest of the members, foster their economic and professional growth while uplifting standards of hotels and contributing towards sustainable development of tourism in Bhutan
The HRAB will act as a voice of the industry to promote, protect, represent and advance the interests of the industry.
Serve as a common platform & a national point of reference A forum and point of contact on policy matters, legislation, and regulations affecting the industry & to interface with government agencies and other authorities on issues concerning the hotel industry. Promote cooperation among hotels & other stakeholders Establish & promote code of ethics To formulate strategies, in the areas of land, finance, taxation, training procedures and legislation to accelerate further growth. Mediate & arbitrate (resolve) Represent, foster, develop, encourage and improve the tourism industry.